Faith Action Long Term Care Task Force
This 2018 Legislative Session, there were two companion bills, House Bill (HB) 1912, introduced by Representative Takayama & Senate Bill (SB) 2988 that was introduced by Senator Tokuda for Year 2 funding for Kupuna Caregivers Program. HB 1912 died; was not heard by Finance Committee. SB 2988 requested for $4 million and required reporting from Executive Office on Aging and more varied services beyond Adult Day Care for Oahu County. SB 2988 crossed over and was heard & passed yesterday, 3/20/18 by the House Committee on Health & Human Services chaired by J. Mizuno & co-chaired by B. Kobayashi. However, the Kupuna Caregivers Program final general fund appropriation for $1.2 million budget with a restriction of $70 per week for the recipient departed from the intent of the program. This would not keep working families in the workforce while caring for their kupuna.

Faith Action Housing Now! - MEMBERS NEEDED!!
As we prepare for the upcoming year, we are going to need new members and new energy to discuss the issues and possible solutions, conduct research and strategize for Faith Action's next steps in addressing Hawaii's housing crisis. The time is NOW- this is the year for change! Please talk to folks in your units and ask if they would be willing to serve on this committee. We have added a few new members but we need at least one representative from each unit to be successful. The committee is also bringing in new allies to sit on the committee so we can get different perspectives and ideas. Faith Action is also planning a Housing Summit early next year.
Meetings take place twice a month. Please email here ( if you are interested in being part of this committee!
Faith Action staff provided a mini-listening training to these vibrant, intelligent and inquisitive youth at Marshallese Youth Day at Harris UMC on Saturday, April 21.
Kathy Kaknes and Catherine Graham from First Unitarian Church of Honolulu, our returning Faith Action unit member, light the covenant candle with Rev. Sam Domingo of Keolumana UMC during our recent Delegated Council meeting at St. John Vianney Catholic Church on June 23. Over 80 Faith Action members attended, which was a great turnout considering many are away on vacation this time of year.
Faith Action members and clergy showed up on June 27 to support thousands of UNITE HERE Local 5 union members for their march and rally "One Job Should Be Enough," beginning at the Trump International Hotel and ending at the Duke Kahanamoku statue at Waikiki beach. It was an inspirational and motivating event and a much welcomed spirit-lifter after the national news of the week.