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Unitarian Church Promotes Carbon Cashback

The Social Justice Council of the Unitarian Church has found success writing persuasive

postcards to introduce people to their points of view. They are planning to send postcards to Hawaii Legislators explaining and asking support for HB134 and SB 311, the Carbon Cashback bill that Faith Action’s Environmental Tax Force has been working on.

The Carbon Cashback bill would set a fee on fossil fuels entering Hawaii, which would have the effect of increasing prices to consumers. Revenue raised from the fee will be returned to citizens of Hawaii in equal shares in the form of a dividend.  Most people would benefit because their dividend would be bigger than their spending due to price increases.

Each card writer will be given a number of postcards, a list of legislators’ names and

addresses, and a sample message. They will provide their own stamps for their cards.

Nancy Young of the Unitarian Church said, “We would love to have members from many of the Faith Action groups join us in writing ten to thirty postcards. If you are willing to help, please contact me at”

The legislative session has already begun, so the sooner you contact Nancy the better.

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