Lent and Cash Bail 2022
43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ 44 Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not take care of you?’ 45 Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.” ― Matthew 25:43-45
Lent is a period of 40 days leading up to Easter (March 2–April 17) in the Christian tradition in which Christians remember and reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus. This year Faith Action invites our members to journey with us through Lent as we make connections between Jesus who was killed by the Roman empire and those who are criminalized and punished by the State today.
Join Faith Action on this journey! Below are some ways you can make a difference in making Hawaiʻi a safer and healthier place for us all to live.
Reimagine Fund
Quote Aubree K-aloha from one of the interviews on Reimagining public safety that you can find on our youtube channel.
givebutter.com/DzINsu or mail check to: PO Box 235950, Honolulu, HI 96823 with “Reimagine Fund” on memo line.
Faith Action is attempting to raise $8,760 during Lent. This is roughly the amount it takes to incarcerate one person in Hawaiʻi for 40 days ($219 per day). 10% of this will be used in our advocacy to reform the cash bail system and 90% will be invested in organizations who support those coming out of incarceration in culturally grounded practices: First L.A.P. and ʻEkolu Mea Nui.
Learn More About Incarceration in Hawaiʻi
Follow us on social media or go to our youtube channel to see video interviews with various community members to reimagine how we could use our money to truly invest in building healthier and safer community. Other panel discussions to learn more about cash bail also available. Learn more here.
Listen to this sermon by Faith Action Organizer Cassie Chee on Luke 23:13-25 NRSV.
Good Friday Vigil at O.C.C.C.
On Good Friday, Faith Action and community members will gather in front of OCCC to remember the 23 people who lost their lives in 2021 while incarcerated in Hawaiʻi as well as those who continue to suffer while held in Hawaiʻiʻs prisons and jails. Please join us at noon on April 15th to pray, hear a brief reflection, and hold a sacred moment of remembrance for those we have lost.
This is a space for communal grief and to call attention to the lack of care and transparency the State is practicing for those incarcerated and their families. If you would like, you may bring flowers or signs with messaging about remembering the 23 lives lost in 2021. This event will be livestreamed on Facebook and Instagram for those who cannot join in person. Parking: DO NOT park at OCCC. Please arrive early and park at Kalākaua Park (1600 Kaumualii St.). It is about a 0.6-mile walk to OCCC. Staff are available to shuttle you if needed. Prepare to wear a mask if you would like to be shuttled.
In the Christian tradition, Good Friday is the remembrance of Jesusʻ punishment by crucifixion because he was countercultural to the Roman Empire. This year we remember and grieve those like Jesus that were killed by our current “State” which continues to punish with isolation and death dealing conditions.
This image inspired by Cassandra Greer-Lee and other women who advocate for those in Cook County Jail in Chicago. While we do not support the narrative of the bloody martyrdom of Jesus, we do hold tenderness for those like Jesus and Greer-Lee who exemplify the power of self giving and being with those who suffer.
Keep an eye on the Faith Action Calendar for links to our meetings and events! Drop into our Zoom meetings and educational events at any time! We meet every other week on Wednesdays. And return to this page often for more about our events, opportunities, and actions to be taken!
Please feel free to reach out to the Transformative Justice Task Force with questions and/or willingness to partner: transformativejustice@faithaction.org